school's back in high gear... I'm supposed to be writing a short response paper about the book "Back To Basics" which I just finished reading, but I'm taking a short breather before plunging into the writing assignment. Justin Weeks is set to arive any minute now for a weekend visit from Seattle. And I just got a call from Sarah that she's getting to go on a helicopter ride at her job!
Indelible Grace 4 just came out, and it's another hit, in my mind at least. I'm currently transcribing the new songs to put up on the Hymnbook website. The Indelible Grace website itself just got a revamp, and a new message board. Be sure to check it out... don't know how soon the Hymnbook website will get a revamp and whether or not I'll have a hand in that...
Also, I just started a page. Check it out at and be sure to add me as a friend if you're a member already :)
currently on iTunes: the innocence mission, Christ Is My Hope
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