
November 30, 2004

doubly thankful

Self portrait
Self portrait,
originally uploaded by Luke and Sarah.
Well, being our first Thanksgiving together (even though last year we were 'together' in the sense that we were at my parents, but not 'together' in the we're married sense), we thought that we should do something unique and eat with not 1 but 2 groups here in Seattle. Early in the afternoon we ate at the Dunnington's, along with the Scotts and the Rocks from Green Lake Pres. We had a great time, and even celebrated Patrick Dunnington's 4th birthday with a piƱata! (check for more pictures)

After basking in the food coma, we rolled ourselves over to Queen Anne to celebrate at the Gary's apartment, along with the Partains and a number of other folks from Green Lake Pres. We played Trivial Pursuit for 3 hours and ate more pie and turkey! In the meantime, we spent our brain capacity listing all of the types of rock music: hard rock, blues rock, soft rock, fraggle rock... you get the picture!

So I'm still new to this blog thing; have to keep up with the times. I uploaded all the pictures and forgot that I had to put something on my blog as well to remember the event. I also forget that people actually read this! Sorry there wasn't anything thought provoking this time around... maybe we can discuss more kinds of rock.

Soli Deo Gloria

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